Iyengar Center for Fine Arts

ICFA reflects Dr. Iyengar's interest and journey into arts and his holistic approach to life. Various factors - being in the field of art for a few decades, academic understanding of Human body through medical knowhow and through Homoeopathic philosophy in specific, interest in yogic science, curiosity towards spiritual reality and the very many travel experiences, all propelled towards opening a center; with the objective of experiencing art and life in its wholesome.

Integrating these various disciplines and experiences into the activities at the center has been a joyous journey. Iyengar centre for Fine Arts was started with the idea of creating a platform to showcase and host the very many limitless possibilities.

Web Trio Series Chamber Concerts Workshop Series

View videos on our Instagram page.

Would you like to be part of an event as an artist or a connoisseur of art? Write to us at icfabengaluru@gmail.com

Chamber Concert and Workshop Series at ICFA

  • A platform to showcase new ideas and experimental works in dance choreography
  • Guest lectures and Workshops by the experienced, scholars and senior dance gurus
  • The space witnesses Classical dance, music, theatre, folk art, and stand up, etc.