Training at ICFA

On-going classes are held in Bharatnatyam, Yoga, Body Kinetics at ICFA.

  • Classical Dance Training
    ICFA imparts intensive dance training in Bharatnatyam. Batches are held for the Beginner and the Advanced levels on Tuesdays and Thursdays - 5.00pm onwards.

    Holistic Approach
    Introduction to the technique and grammar in dance, Yoga asana - awareness towards the body, breathing. Discussions on various aspects related to stage craft such as, costume, lighting, marketing, storytelling, etc. are taught to the students as part of the curriculum. He believes Nutrition and Lifestyle play a huge role and guides in customising them for individuals.

  • Yoga training
    Classes for adults and children. In conjunction with the yoga asana, emphasis is given to understanding ones physical body, and the practice of Pranayama and Meditation.

  • Private classes
    One on one lessons are offered for those interested.

Body Kinetics

A Brain child of Dr.Iyengar is a fitness module designed keeping in mind the requirements of a dancer for seamless and able execution. A module carefully designed, imparts an in-depth understanding of the physical body, the mind and the breath. The training is intensive and can be learnt through a workshop or as part of the regular curriculum. In addition he believes Nutrition and Lifestyle play a huge role and guides in customising them for individuals.

He is very confident of its benefits and wants to popularise it amongst serious dance practitioners. He encourages them to learn, practice and reap the benefit that nurtures the body, mind, breathe and self. The aim is to bring about a connection between the technique (the dance form) and the medium (the dancer).

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ICFA Students